A loved Finnish Christmas song by Jean Sibelius. I was inspired by Keola Beamer to write a guitar duet when playing his duet arrangements. This duet works also as a solo when played the 1st guitar alone. The 1st guitar is in F wahine tuning and 2nd guitar in open F or Taropatch F. I include two tabs for 2nd guitar, one written in F and other written in G: I read music from notation and I couldn't read and play in F and had to transpose the sheet music to G to be able to play.
Music video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTTBFdLZeAA
Sheet music: Guitar 1: En etsiG1.pdf (294102)
G2 (F) : En etsiG2.pdf (284722)
G2 (G): En etsiG2G.pdf (283866)